Saturday, September 13, 2008

Structural and Functional Massage - What is the difference?

Functional and Structural Massage Therapy. What are the main differences?

Functional Massage can probably be defined as "the kneading or rubbing of parts of the body to reduce pain or stiffness or help relaxation". I would call that as a functional massage. It is mainly focused on the symptoms of a problem, not on the root cause.

This is the area where most of the Massage therapist are working in. Unfortunately.

The biggest challenge in Massage though is structural work. This means you actually try to change posture pattern throughout the entire body.

My favorite structural massage therapy is Rolfing. Many of the Rolfers actually seem to bypass your initial concern and go straight to therapeutic work that changes the structure of the whole body. In 10 sessions they are able to make the needed structural changes, that in the view of Rolfing will then take care of your problem at the same time, without them specifically addressing it.

Even though Chinese Massage does not work on the gross material plane, this style can probably count as an energetic structural massage, because it actually changes disrupted energy patterns in the whole body.

You can use any kind of massage style and use it in a functional or structural way. It is your choice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others.